Large or Small... God Can Use Us All! A Third Grade Student's Experience of Having God's Eyes to Help Those In Need
"Whatever you do for the least of these, you have done unto Me." Matthew 25:40
We live in a society where "list making" is a very prominent organizational strategy. We make grocery lists, "To Do" lists, favorite playlists, check lists, chore lists, and even wish lists. Sometimes, my desk can be so cluttered with lists, that I need a list to remind me to finish each list!
Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with third grader, Joe Lancaster, and learned about his "Do Something" list. He told me that he began this list last year when our school motto was "Do Something", and he explained that his list includes ways that he could help people who are sick, hungry, or in need. Over the summer, his mom heard a news story about "The Detroit Food Pantry" and how Citizens Bank would match any amount given to this organization. He told me that his reply was, "Oooooh! That's a good idea to put on my "Do Something" list."