"Whatever you do, work at it with your whole heart as working for the Lord and not for men." Colossians 3:23
Many young boys have dreams of playing for their hometown team in the National Hockey League. Well, for David Booth, grandson of one of our St. Matthew congregational members, Mr. John Booth, after a journey of hard work, perseverance, and waiting, the Lord blessed this dream and made it a reality this year!
Growing up, David attended Peace Shelby Twp. Lutheran School from Kindergarten through Grade 8 and started playing hockey at a young age. After four successful seasons at Michigan State, the Lord continued to open numerous doors for David in the NHL and Russia Hockey League. Yet in one interview, David confessed that ever since he was able to lace up his skates, his dream was to play for the Detroit Red Wings.
At age 33, not only was David given a one-year contract with the Detroit Red Wings as well as the distinguished #17 jersey, but his face also appeared numerous times on the Little Caesar's giant screen as he scored two goals during last Saturday's game! Yet, what was even more exciting was reading his responses during a postgame interview with the Detroit News.
When asked about his career journey, David responded by saying, "I mean, it's been a long career and lots of ups and downs. I think lots of people have kind of given up on me, and at times I've given up on myself, you know? But my family and my wife and I know, God has never given up on me. It took tons of hard work. There's been a Bible verse that's been really close to me," Booth said. "It just says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart. It's working for the Lord and not for men." And it's always stuck with me. You've just got to do it when no one's watching. And so that's been my motivation to get back here."
Throughout his hockey career, David has been preparing and waiting for this moment. And now that it is here, David is honoring God and giving Him the glory in the process.
This Sunday, we will begin a season in the church calendar called "Advent", which means "To Come". During the season of Advent, we prepare our hearts as we wait to celebrate the birth of our Savior.
Just as David Booth has been waiting and preparing for this special moment of playing on the Red Wings by focusing on his training, there are many things that we can do during the season of Advent to that will help us prepare our focus and keep our eyes on Christ as we wait to celebrate Christmas. Avenues such as worship, prayer, serving and loving others, and spending time in God's Word are ways in which we can prepare our hearts for celebrating Christ's birth.
Today, your child will bring home an age-appropriate Advent devotional booklet. It is our hope that this tool will be a blessing to your family and provide an avenue of personal spiritual growth or "God time" during this Advent season. Your child will also receive a glow in the dark cross. As this cross illuminates your child's room at night, it is our hope that this gift will also help remind your child to keep their focus on Jesus as they wait to celebrate His birth.
You, your child, and time spent focusing on God's Word are three factors that make a perfect "hat trick", and it is our prayer that your family experiences a wonderful Advent season as you wait and prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior.
In His love,
Mrs. Palka