First grade is such an amazing year of growth and maturity! Students continue to focus upon learning about God's love and protection through Old and New Testament Bible stories. They also begin to memorize Scripture verses so that faith grows, and they learn that God cares about their everyday lives. In First grade, the literacy adventure continues as students continue to develop early reading strategies through Reading Workshop time that includes print strategies, text features, questioning, non-fiction reading strategies, and character study. Students also continue to develop early writing strategies through the Writers Workshop approach that includes conveying thoughts, ideas, and feelings in written form. Students will learn to write narrative, non-fiction, and opinion pieces such as personal narratives, how to, small moments, and opinion writing. Learning phonics is also incorporated throughout the year to further aid in building a solid reading foundation.
First grade math concepts include algebraic thinking, understanding place value, comparing numbers, as well as expanding addition and subtraction concepts and strategies by progressing to two digits. Measurement and geometry concepts are also introduced. Our inquiry-based Battle Creek Science Curriculum focuses upon observable properties with magnets, shapes and liquids, weather, and animal life.