"Whatever you do for the least of these, you've done unto Me." Matthew 25:40
Bella Raffin is an eight year old little girl and dear family friend of the Rancour family. In July, her parents took her to the doctor for what they thought was a lower back injury from gymnastics. On July 28, 2017, Bella was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, Stage 4 cancer. Since then, Bella and her family have been in an aggressive battle with this disease, trusting and knowing that the Lord is always with them.
Last week, Bella had surgery to remove the tumor and will continue with her sixth cycle of chemotherapy. This week, she and her family were delighted to learn that her next scheduled hospital stay will not occur until after the New Year, and, God willing, Bella will be able to celebrate Christmas at home!
Tomorrow, the Student Council of St. Matthew Lutheran School will host "Breakfast for Bella". From 8:00 - 8:40 a.m. the gym will be set up for students and parents to grab a light breakfast snack and make Christmas cards for Bella, providing her with Godly encouragement and Biblical comfort. For anyone would like to contribute, a free will offering will also be taken to help with medical and transportation expenses.
As we ask the Lord to "Give Us Your Eyes" this school year, please join us as we work as a school family to provide Christian support and love to this family.
In Jesus,
Mrs. Palka