"My sheep listen to My voice; I know them and they follow Me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of My hand." John 10: 27 & 28
Many years ago, an extremely memorable Snow Day occurred on Valentine's Day. The day began quite early, as most Snow Days do, but there were even more phone calls to make since every classroom Valentine's Day party was also canceled. By the completion of this particular telephone fan-out system, I was exhausted, so I went back to bed.
I had not been asleep for very long when I awoke to the sound of our doorbell ringing and our little dog barking hysterically. Still half asleep, I grabbed my robe and raced down the stairs to see what was upsetting my precious little guard dog. To my astonishment, standing at my door were four men dressed in tuxedos, red bow ties, and top hats. Rubbing my eyes to test whether I was really awake or still dreaming, I reluctantly opened the door.
"Sue Palka?" they inquired.
"Yes," I hesitantly replied.
"Happy Valentine's Day," they answered. "We were sent by your husband, and this is your official singing telegram! Your husband instructed us to be here by 7:00 a.m. so we could catch you before you went to work!"
Suddenly, a harmonica sounded, giving them each their pitch, and on perfect cue "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" started resounding through my living room in four-part harmony. I rubbed my eyes even harder to determine if I was truly dreaming as my dog sat watching the performance with his head cocked in confusion as well. As they enthusiastically held their final note in perfect harmony, my daughter's young voice interrupted the grand performance by shouting, "Mom? What the heck is going on?"
I politely applauded, and one of the gentlemen announced exuberantly, "Now, before we depart, we want to leave you with a souvenir, so gather around for a photo!" Still standing in my bathrobe with the fierce guard dog in my arms, they formed a circle around me, and before I could even refuse, the flash blinded all of us! Tipping their hats, they bid me a "good day" and off they went to their next unsuspecting client.
We have numerous ways in which we can express our love toward others. Sometimes, it can be through our words; other times, our actions can reveal so much. Often, a sentimental text message or phone call can come at a perfect time and mean so much. And yes, even songs can be an effective form of expressing one's feelings as well.
However, the greatest act of love was demonstrated by our Savior when He went to the cross to die for all of our sins.
As we begin the season of Lent on February 22nd, may your heart be reminded each day of Jesus' incredible love for you!
Happy Valentine's Day!
In His Love,
Mrs. Palka