"A new command I give you; Love one another." John 13:34
Moby Max is a K-8th grade standards-aligned learning platform that teachers can use to assist with differentiated and classroom learning goals. Through this program, classrooms can earn "reward points" for achieving classroom goals.
Two weeks ago, our second grade learned that they had earned $20 through their Moby Max Rewards program. The company encourages teachers to use these Reward dollars as an avenue of celebration for particular milestones that the class accomplished.
As Mrs. Geary led her second graders through a brainstorming session regarding how they could spend their $20, suggestions were made for a classroom pizza party, ice cream, etc., until one student suggested, "I think we should give the money to help the hurricane victims!" Immediately, others expressed their agreement, and when the class formally voted, the majority agreed that this would be the best use of the MobyMax Reward of $20.
It's stories like this that make my administrator's heart burst with joy! There is nothing more endearing than to hear of the faith development of our students and/or watch the formation of their servant hearts passionately ignite!
One of the main priorities of St. Matthew Lutheran School is to provide opportunities for our students to put their faith into action and share God's love with those who are in need, and one of my absolute favorite activities is occurring next Friday!
For the past twelve years, St. Matthew Lutheran School has hosted an annual "Turkey Trot" as an avenue for students to provide assistance during a critical circumstance or for those who are in tremendous need. Two weeks ago, our fifth grade held a very successful Bake Sale, and all proceeds were given to LCMS Disaster Relief. However, because the devastation in Florida is so horrific and the need is so great, this year's Student Council has selected to continue to help victims of Hurricane Ian to make them the recipients of this year’s Turkey Trot proceeds. Continuing with the theme of "Spreading SON-Shine Over Florida", the Student Council will host our 12th Annual St. Matthew Lutheran School Turkey Trot on Friday, November 18th. All funds that are raised will again be given to LCMS Disaster Relief, who is currently using these funds to provide meals, shelter, and building materials to those who were affected by Hurricane Ian.
Students in Preschool through Grade 8 are encouraged to collect pledges from family and friends for the number of laps or time that they will run during the Trot. Then, on November 18, all students will run (trot) around our school soccer field during a designated time of the school day (Preschool through Grade 4 will “trot” from 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. and Grades 5 - 8 will “trot” from 10:15 - 10:45 a.m.).
We are looking forward to partnering with LCMS Disaster Relief to assist them to carry out their mission of "Helping the hurting amid disaster". To begin this process, students can start by collecting pledges. Last week pledge sheets were sent home with each student. To obtain a new pledge sheet, please click HERE.
As a special bonus, anyone raising over $50 will receive a free T-shirt with this year's "Love Is Everything We Need" logo on the front as well as our "Spreading SON-Shine Over Florida" logo on the back. (Please know that these shirts will be delivered two weeks after the Turkey Trot.) We are asking that students please bring their completed pledge sheets and collected funds to school on Friday, November 18. In addition, those students who run the most laps and the student that earns the most money will have fun decorating a Student Council member. What does this mean? Stay tuned for details but it may involve something VERY messy!
So, driven by this year’s school motto of "Love Is Everything We Need”, we are asking God to help us accomplish great things in His name, and we look forward to God blessing this effort to help us "Spread SON-Shine Over Florida"!
In His Love,
Mrs. Palka