"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
One of my favorite conversation starters is when people begin a dialogue with the opening line “Have I got a story for you!” A few days ago, I had the great joy of hearing this story from a very proud and excited grandma:
Last Saturday, over 170 people gathered in St. Matthew's back parking lot for an extremely enjoyable “Resurrection Celebration” that included a wonderful chapel message, crafts, games, and delicious hot donuts. However, the grand event concluded with Pastor Austin reading the story of Jesus’ resurrection. In addition, every child in attendance was given a copy of the exact book so that he/she could not only follow along, but continue to read the same book at home.
Later that same day, one boy who was in attendance at the Celebration, walked into his house with this book in his hand and announced to his mom, “Well that was my world’s record!” When his mom questioned his statement and asked him to explain what he meant, he replied, “Well I just set a new world’s record for how long I spoke to someone about Jesus because I just read that book to the neighbors!”
When I heard that story, my heart immediately jumped for joy. Not only did this young man understand the significance of Jesus dying on the cross, but he also understood the importance of sharing this amazing story with others!
As Holy Week begins this Sunday, may God grant you time each day during this very important week to reflect on Jesus’ tremendous love for you so that you can set your own “World’s Record” for how many people you share this Great News with as well!
Have a wonderful Resurrection Celebration!
He is Risen… He is Risen indeed!!
Happy Easter!
Mrs. Palka