'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.' Matthew 25:40
Are you a walker or a runner? Ever since I purchased my first Fitbit, I have found that I really enjoy going for walks. Even more... I like seeing how many steps I can obtain during each journey. So last fall, when our travel agent was providing us with a list of potential excursions for our June 2019 trip to Alaska, I was very excited to see "hiking" listed as an option.
As we were preparing for our trip, I think we frequented the REI Outfitters Store more than Target, which says a lot! Both Ken and I tried on thousands of hiking boots (okay - that's an exaggeration, but it felt like 1000s!) until we found the perfect fit. Then we started going on walks though the mountainous terrain of Kensington Metro Park to break in our new boots. Frequently, I even wore my new boots as I joined the early morning walkers at 12 Oaks Mall!
About three days into our Alaskan adventure, the first opportunity for a hike presented itself at the Kantishna Roadhouse, which is located in Denali National Park. During dinner, the guides presented a brief description of our hiking options for the next day... the "Easy trail", the "Moderate 3 mile hike" with an 800 ft elevation change, or the "Strenuous eight mile hike" with a 2,200 ft. elevation change. Ken began campaigning that we should go on the strenuous hike, and our waitress was also encouraging us. However, thank goodness that the voice of reason somehow spoke to our friends and me. As a result, we signed up for the moderate hike instead.
When we checked in the next morning, we noticed our waitress, who was so enthusiastic about the strenuous hike the night before, was leading the "Easy" hike. When asked by our guide if she wanted to join us on the moderate hike, she quickly replied, "No way." That should have been our first clue!
When we arrived at our destination, I noticed that other than our guide, I was probably the youngest one on the hike, as most of the other guests at the Kantishna Roadhouse during our stay were members of the "Road Scholars", which is a travel organization for active older people. Feeling pretty confident due to my strenuous 12 Oaks Mall training, I thought this was going to be pretty easy, until we completed the first five minutes!
The hike started on a rocky, muddy trail up the mountain, which quickly disappeared, and thus required us to climb through willows and brush. To make matters even more exciting, our guide would frequently bellow out a shout, to scare off any bears in the area that might be looking at us as potential lunch options. Sweating like a dog and panting like one too, I often thought we were getting to the top of the 800 ft. summit, only to discover we were not even close. After what felt like eternity, we finally made it to the top, where we could sit down and try to recover. I have to admit that going down was so much easier, especially as the tundra was almost like sponge that gave a trampoline sensation. Finally, my age and determination to go home and take a shower paid off... and I bounced myself down that mountain in record speed!
After this experience, it is so difficult to fathom that there are children around the world that make these types of strenuous, and at times, dangerous walks on a daily basis to obtain water for their families. Even more troublesome is that the water that they are obtaining is often contaminated. So how can we "Let the Whole World See the Greatness of Our God" in regards to this problem? One way is to partner with World Vision during this year's Progressive Dinner!
On Friday, October 4th, St. Matthew Lutheran School will host our 26th Annual Progressive Dinner entitled, "Walk 3.7 Miles in Their Shoes". During this evening event, each grade level will make a portion of a "Fitness Feast", which will be a meal based on healthy foods that are beneficial for walkers and/or runners. Parents will purchase tickets for this meal and then will "progress" around and sample each grade's culinary creations.
Did you know that the average distance that young girls in third world countries need to walk to obtain water for their families is 3.7 miles every trip? To help us gain a perspective of how far 3.7 miles is, every family will work together to obtain 3.7 miles around the St. Matthew property during the night of the Progressive Dinner. Little ones can utilize bikes, strollers, and wagons, and families can pool all of their miles together or walk independently. For example, if a family of four all walk one mile, technically they can pool all of their miles together for a total of four miles! Or they can each walk 3.7 miles independently! Either way, their efforts will be a blessing to many!
If the weather cooperates, most of the food will be outside in the parking lot so that families can keep taking breaks and eat between laps.
To purchase tickets for this fantastic event, please click HERE. All proceeds from the ticket sales for the dinner will be given to World Vision! Sponsor sheets are also be available if a family wants to obtain donors for the miles they walk to give those proceeds to World Vision as well. If you would like to obtain an official pledge sheet, please click HERE.
To make things even more exciting, one of our school parents, Mrs. Robyn Dragoo, is designing T-shirts for this event and will give a free T-shirt to anyone who collects $20 per person. These shirts will also be available for purchase before the Progressive Dinner if you would like to purchase a shirt ahead of time or turn in a pledge sheet and donation early. Details for purchasing shirts will be sent home soon.
As we strive this year to "Let the Whole World See the Greatness of Our God", it is our prayer that many children will see God's love through our actions to bring them resources to obtain clean water!
In His Love,
Mrs. Palka