"For we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28
Our school is recognized as an accredited school through the Michigan Association of Non-Public Schools (MANS), as well as the National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA).
Our most recent NLSA Site Visit took place in January of 2015. During this process, not only were we granted accreditation status, but we were also awarded the title of an "Exemplary Lutheran School" by the Michigan District, based on four distinctive findings that the NLSA Visiting team identified.
Reaccreditation occurs every five years, so we are currently in the process of preparing for our 2020 Visit. As nine teams are diligently working on various components of this cumulative report, our "Facilities Team" came up with an extremely creative way of using a drone to video and capture our dismissal process as a method of providing evidence that we have a safe and functional dismissal process.
On the selected day for filming, the weather was beautiful! The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and all seemed right with the world until the dismissal bell rang. And from that point forward... everything fell apart. We had someone new to our procedure pick up a child and assumed my hand up to stop was just a friendly gesture... so he kindly waved and kept driving! Immediately I started to chase that car through the parking lot in attempts to stop him. In the meantime, another child tripped and fell was crying in the parking lot. In addition, another child dropped everything that he was carrying right in front of the Preschool doors, thus blocking the exit, while another student misunderstood his teacher's direction and tried to cross traffic! And all of this was being filmed to show the Visiting Team! The dad filming this production was just shaking his head and said, "Of course, the one time that we try to film this!" Afterwards, we decided perhaps we should film a "Take Two" in the near future!
In Chapel today, Mr. Tiedje was so kind to bring a drone for the students to observe and then he demonstrated how it flies... right in the church! He also brought a video clip containing footage that the drone captured that day in the parking lot, allowing us to see things from a much larger perspective. It was such a great teachable moment when we pointed out that in a similar fashion, our Heavenly Father always sees the big picture for each of our lives. Each of us only has a limited view and perspective of the issues that we are facing. Perhaps you are going through something that you can't understand, and it makes no sense to you why this would be happening? Maybe your child didn't make a team he/she tried out for? Perhaps a loved one is sick. Possibly you learned of a dear friend moving away. Perhaps there is a job loss that doesn't make any sense?
We may wonder why certain things are happening, but God knows all the details and is totally in control. He has the ability to see well beyond our limited view. And even better it states in Romans 8:28 He will work things together for good! That doesn't mean that we will always get what we think we need or deserve, but somehow, someway, God will have something good come from that situation. Our job is to just trust Him!
Last week, my husband and I went to Toledo to see a Crowder and Mercy Me concert. However, a surprise opening act was Micah Tyler. During his brief musical set, he stated such a thought provoking comment as he was discussing huge challenges in his life. He said, "When we are going through difficulties, we can pray for God to change the situation but what I have found to be much more effective is for me to pray, "God please change me so that I can handle the things you are walking me through in the manner you want me to."
God is always at work in our lives! He sees the big picture, and He is always watching over you.
Have a good week knowing that even when disappointments or challenges arise, He's got you!
In His love,
Mrs. Palka