"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me." Psalm 23:4
Do you have a case of the common "March" fever that currently seems to be infecting our population? Symptoms may including hiding your phone at the dinner table, utilizing headphones at work, or staying up late at night watching highlights on ESPN? Do you find yourself split screening your TVs so that you can watch numerous games at a time or noticing that you haven't showered in days because you've been so consumed by watching basketball? If so... then perhaps you have a serious case of the "March Madness" fever?
Staying true to tradition, Mr. Topel sent out brackets last week to the staff, as well as the 6 - 8 grade students. The stakes are high as the winner gets a 12 pack of his/her favorite soda, as well as bragging rights for the entire year. Also staying true to tradition, I consulted my middle son's assistance in some of my selections. As I sent my copy to him, I begged, "Please help me save face with my 8th grade boys." A true competitor, he revised and sent them back to me stating, "This year, we're not messing around! We're going for the upsets!"
Brackets were due last Thursday, and as I entered the classroom to teach 8th grade religion on Thursday morning, a group of boys immediately saw my bracket and began to analyze and critique my selections. In their most loving and respectful manner, they indeed let me know that I didn't stand a chance!
When the first round scores were posted... I didn't even make the top five. Immediately, I texted my son and complained. He reassured me, "Patience my child... we're going for the long haul... not the short sprint!"
However, when round two scores were posted yesterday, I quickly discovered that I had advanced into second place... beating ALL of my 8th grade boys! When I shared this news with my son, he immediately informed me that I should enjoy this moment as long as I can because it's all going to end on Friday. When I asked what my chances were of my winning streak continuing past Friday, he replied, "Well, I would say you have the same chance as me quitting my nursing job tonight to go back to school and become an accountant and eventually work for dad... but who knows? Stranger things have happened!"
Have you ever experienced a period of time that is filled with high emotional mountain top experiences of joy, only to be followed by experiencing a deep, dark valley of disappointment? There are times when things are going so well and your heart is just exuberant. Yet, just as fast as the joy appeared, a painful and/or frustrating situation occurs and takes you into a deep, dark, emotional valley.
In Psalm 23, David wrote about this period of "hills and valleys" when he stated, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for You are with me. Thy rod and Thy staff comfort me."
God blesses each of us with abundant mountain top experiences of joy but He also warns us that during our life on earth, all of us will experience times in the valley. This is not Heaven, and things will not be perfect during this lifetime. However, the good news is that He is ALWAYS with us and will help us get THROUGH the valleys. He doesn't want us to set up camp in the valley and stay there for very long. Instead, He wants us to cling to His hand as He guides us out of the problem, learning important life lessons, while depending on Him throughout the upward journey.
Jesus' team is always victorious, and your faith in Him gives you a permanent spot on His roster!
This Lenten season, may you have great joy knowing that Jesus' death on the cross provides us with an eternal championship celebration!
In His love,
Mrs. Palka