We understand that some family schedules do not always fit into the typical school day schedule. Kids Care was designed to help assist parents with before and/or after school childcare needs.
Our Kids Care program is licensed through the State of Michigan. Our morning program begins at 6:45am and concludes at 8:00am. During this time, a responsible caretaker provides a light breakfast to the children entrusted into her care. Children may chose to bring something to read or study, or they may choose to participate in the scheduled group activity.
Our afternoon program begins at 3:30pm and concludes at 6:00pm. During this time two responsible caretakers provide a light snack, host a quiet time for homework and/or daily read aloud, and organize group and/or small group activities.
For more details and program costs, please call the school office at (248) 624-7677. Due to licensing requirements, enrollment is limited. Those who are enrolled full-time have first priority. Calling the School Office by 9:00 am may allow for drop-in care, which is welcome if the schedule permits.